The Stewards' Reckoning is the Gondorian calendar of the late Third Age. The calendar survived until the end of the Third Age, and was used during the time of the War of the Ring. It was abandoned 25 March III 3019.
The calendar was adopted by most of the users of the Westron language, except the Hobbits.
The months are all thirty days and five holidays outside the months: Yestaire, Tuilere, Loende, Yaviere, and Mettare.
Definitions of months of the Stewards' Reckoning Calendar
Narvinye- "New Year" - "new sun". It is the first month of the year. Third Winter (January)
Nenime- It is the second month of the year..
Sulime-It is the third month of the year, before the feast of Tuilere. Second Stirring (March).
Tuilere- Feast-day.
Viresse- It is the fourth month of the year, First spring ( April)
Lotesse- It is the fifth month of the year, Second Spring (May)
Narie- It is the sixth month of the year, First summer (June).
Loende- Mid year's Day
Cermie- It is the seventh month of the year. Second Summer (July)
Urime- It is the eighth month of the year. Third Summer (August).
Yavannie- It is the ninth month of the year, First Autumn (September)
Yaviere- Harvest feast-day.
Narquelie- It is the tenth month of the year, Second Autumn (October)
Hisime- It is the eleventh month of the year. First Winter (November)
Ringare- It is the twelfth month of the year, the cold winter, "time of cold". Second Winter (December)