The Shire Calendar is the calendar of the Shire-Hobbits. The shire years are divided into twelve months of thirty days. Five additional days are added to create three hundred and sixty-five day year.
The hobbits have no week, they are wandering people. They have months reckoned by the moon. Every year began on the first day of the week Sterday (Saturday - Modern name) and ended ont he last day of the week Highday (Friday -Modern name).
Definitions of months and days of the Shire Calendar
Afteryule- The first month of the calendar. It ran from the 23th of December to the 21st of January (Modern Day).
Solmath- The second month of the calendar. It ran from the 22nd of January to the 20th of February (Modern Day).
Rethe- The third month of the calendar. It ran from the 21st of February to the 22nd of March (Modern Day).
Astron- The fourth month of the calendar. It ran from the 23rd of March to 21st of April (Modern Day).
Thrimidge- The fifth month of the calendar. It ran from the 22nd of April to the 21st of May (Modern Day).
Forelithe- The sixth month of the calendar. It is the month before the midyear and Lithedays. It ran from the 22nd of May to the 20th of June (Modern Day).
Lithe- the days around midsummer. These days laid either side of Midyear's Day. Lithe days remained outside the months and these were the chief holidays and times of feasting. These days were called summerdays, the Lithedays.
1 Lithe - 21st of June
Midyear's Day - 22nd of June
2 Lithe - 23rd of June
Midyear's Day- It is the day that marked the middle of the year. It is also called Loende. It is an important day of the Middle Earth calendars. Midyear's Day is a day of special merry making. The Midyear's Day had no weekday name because it is placed outside of the month.
Afterlithe- The seventh month of the calendar. It follows the midsummer feast days of Lithe. It ran from the 24th of June to the 23th of July (Modern Day).
Wedmath- The eighth month of the calendar. It ran from the 24th of July to the 22nd of August (Modern Day).
Halimath- The ninth month of the calendar. It ran from the 23rd of August to the 21st of September (Modern Day).
Winterfilth- The tenth month of the calendar. It ran from the 22nd of September to 21st of October (Modern Day).
Blotmath- Theelevth month of the calendar. It ran from the 22nd of October to the 20th of November (Modern Day).
ForeYule- The twelfth month of the calendar. It is the month before the midwinter festival of Yule. It ran from the 21st of November to the 20th of December. (Modern Day).
Yule- It is 2 days of the Shire that marked the end of an old year and the beginning of a new year. The Yule days remained outside the months and were chief holidays and times of feasting.
1 Yule - last day of the old year, 21st of December
2 Yule - the first day of the new year, 22nd of December
Overlithe- It is a day that occurs in leap years. In 1420, the year of the famous harvest and wonderful summer, occured on the Overlithe.
Shire Days of the Week
- stars of Varda - Saturday (Modern Day)
- sun - Sunday (Modern Day)
- moon - Monday (Modern Day)
- two trees of valinor - Tuesday (Modern Day)
- Heavens 6 - Wednesday (Modern Day)
- sea - Thursday (Modern Day)
- valar - Friday (Modern Day)
Highday (Friday) is a cheif day, one of holiday and evening feasts.
Shire Calendar - taking from Lord of the Rings - Return of the King