Morrowdim (Twilight of Dawn): A Chronological Calendar of Middle - Earth

Morrowdim (Twilight of Dawn): A Chronological Calendar of Middle - Earth

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Morrowdim, twilight of dawn is my inspiration for my love of Middle Earth, the people and the events. I hope that everyone who visits Morrowdim will enjoy it.

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Morrowdim is a chronological calendar of Middle Earth. The calendar refers to the Modern calendar, the Shire Calendar, Tale of Years, Reckoning of Rivendell, and the Steward's Reckoning. Each month has the modern day date, Shire calendar date, Tale of Years date, Reckoning of Rivendell date and the Steward's Reckoning date, along with an event that occured at that time. The dates in the Tale of Years are adjusted to begin at the same time as our modern year, as Tolkien suggests. The other calendars are not adjusted. The leap years are not added because they are implemented in various ways by the people of Middle-Earth and cannot be easily represented in this calendar form. The Shire calendar and the Stewards' Reckoning both began some ten days before our own calendar.

Morrowdim's Calendar refers to events that occured during the War of the Rings, and important events and birth dates of the Company of the Rings and characters in the Lord of the Rings.

Morrowdim is also full of quotes from the Lord of the Rings, some favorite characters, an encyclopedia of Middle Earth and definitions of the calendars.

The Shire Calendar is the calendar of the Shire-Hobbits. The shire years are divided into twelve months of thirty days. Five additional days are added to create three hundred and sixty-five day year.

The hobbits have no week, they are wandering people. They have months reckoned by the moon. Every year began on the first day of the week Sterday (Saturday - Modern name) and ended ont he last day of the week Highday (Friday -Modern name).

The Reckoning of Rivendell is the only recorded Elvish calendar. The calendar contains six months, reflecting the seasons, rather than twelve. Its arrangement reflects the Elvish preference for counting in sixes and twelves.

Elvish time was divided into Yeni. They also have a period equivalent to a year called a Loa or Coranar. In the calendar, there are six seasons: Tuile, Laire, Yavie, Quelle, Hrive,and Coire, which may be translated into spring, summer, autumn, fading, winter and stirring.

The Steward's Reckoning is the Gondorian calendar of the late Third Age. The calendar survived until the end of the Third Age, and was used during the time of the War of the Ring. It was abandoned 25 March III 3019.

The calendar was adopted by most of the users of the Westron language, except the Hobbits.

The months are all thirty days and five holidays outside the months: Yestaire, Tuilere, Loende, Yaviere, and Mettare.

The Tale of Years chronicles the second and third ages. The Third Age began with the first overthrow of Sauron and taking of the One Ring. It ended more than 3000 years later, with the destruction of the One Ring, and the end of Sauron.

All of the events listed in the Lord of the Rings are in the Third Age years. To convert the years into Shire, you must substract 1600 by the Third Age date. For example: The downfall of Barad-dur, occured in III 3019 but in shire, the date is 1419; 3019 - 1600 = 1419.



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Eowyn, Woman of Rohan, niece of King Theoden and sister of Eomer.

In the movie, I am played by Miranda Otto.

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