July in Middle-Earth
July in Middle-Earth
Middle Earth Quotes
Middle Earth Quotes
Eowyn - Shieldmaiden of the North
Eowyn Shieldmaiden of the North
Faramir: Steward of Gondor
Faramir: Steward of Gondor
Horses of the Middle Earth
Horses of the Middle Earth
Encyclopedia of Middle Earth
Encyclopedia of Middle Earth
Calendar Definitions
Calendar Definitions
Reckoning of Rivendell
Reckoning of Rivendell
Stewards' Reckoning
Stewards' Reckoning
Tale of Years
Tale of Years
My Favorite Lord of the Rings Links
My Favorite Lord of the Rings Links
Maps of Middle Earth
Maps of Middle Earth

1- Modern Day

1 Lithe - Tale of Years

8 Afterlithe - Shire

31 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

9 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
2- Modern Day

Midyear's Day - Tale of Years

9 Afterlithe - Shire

32 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

10 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
3- Modern Day

2 Lithe - Tale of Years

10 Afterlithe - Shire

33 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

11 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
4- Modern Day

1 July - Tale of Years

11 Afterlithe - Shire

34 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

12 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
5- Modern Day

2 July - Tale of Years

12 Afterlithe - Shire

35 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

13 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
6- Modern Day

3 July - Tale of Years

13 Afterlithe - Shire

36 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

14 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
7- Modern Day

4 July - Tale of Years

14 Afterlithe - Shire

37 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

15 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning

Event: Boromir sets out from Minas Tirith III 3018
8- Modern Day

5 July - Tale of Years

15 Afterlithe - Shire

38 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

16 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
9- Modern Day

6 July - Tale of Years

16 Afterlithe - Shire

39 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

17 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
10- Modern Day

7 July - Tale of Years

17 Afterlithe - Shire

40 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

18 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
11- Modern Day

8 July - Tale of Years

18 Afterlithe - Shire

41 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

19 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
12- Modern Day

9 July - Tale of Years

19 Afterlithe - Shire

42 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

20 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
13- Modern Day

10 July - Tale of Years

20 Afterlithe - Shire

43 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

21 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning

Event: Saruman traps Gandalf and imprisons him on the pinnacle of Orthanc III 3018
14- Modern Day

11 July - Tale of Years

21 Afterlithe - Shire

44 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

22 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
15- Modern Day

12 July - Tale of Years

22 Afterlithe - Shire

45 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

23 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
16- Modern Day

13 July - Tale of Years

23 Afterlithe - Shire

46 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

24 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
17- Modern Day

14 July - Tale of Years

24 Afterlithe - Shire

47 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

25 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
18- Modern Day

15 July - Tale of Years

25 Afterlithe - Shire

48 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

26 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
19- Modern Day

16 July - Tale of Years

26 Afterlithe - Shire

49 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

27 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
20- Modern Day

17 July - Tale of Years

27 Afterlithe - Shire

50 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

28 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
21- Modern Day

18 July - Tale of Years

28 Afterlithe - Shire

51 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

29 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
22- Modern Day

19 July - Tale of Years

29 Afterlithe - Shire

52 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

30 Cermie - Steward's Reckoning
23- Modern Day

20 July - Tale of Years

30 Afterlithe - Shire

53 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

1 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
24- Modern Day

21 July - Tale of Years

1 Wedmath - Shire

54 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

2 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
25- Modern Day

22 July - Tale of Years

2 Wedmath - Shire

55 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

3 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
26- Modern Day

23 July - Tale of Years

3 Wedmath - Shire

56 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

4 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
27- Modern Day

24 July - Tale of Years

4 Wedmath - Shire

57 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

5 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
28- Modern Day

25 July - Tale of Years

5 Wedmath - Shire

58 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

6 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
29- Modern Day

26 July - Tale of Years

6 Wedmath - Shire

59 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

7 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
30- Modern Day

27 July - Tale of Years

7 Wedmath - Shire

60 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

8 Urime - Steward's Reckoning
31- Modern Day

28 July - Tale of Years

8 Wedmath - Shire

61 Laire - Reckoning of Rivendell

9 Urime - Steward's Reckoning