Lagduf - An orc of Shagrat’s garrison
An orc soldier who served under Shagrat in the garrison of the Tower of Cirith Ungol. During the War of the Ring, a battle broke out in the Tower with a rival band of orcs from Minas Morgul. Lagduf attempted to escape with another orc named Muzgash, but they were both shot as they ran from the fortress. The great eagle who flew with his brother Gwaihir to the aid of Frodo and Sam in Mordor. His name comes from the Elvish for 'wide-winged'. ""Láthspell I name you, Ill-news; and ill news is an ill guest they say."" - Gríma's address to Gandalf - The Two Towers III 6, The King of the Golden Hall
A name given to Gandalf by Gríma in Théoden's hall of Meduseld. Attempting to keep the King weak, Wormtongue pointed out that Gandalf always seemd to appear in the land of Rohan at times of hardship or war. His strategy did not succeed, for Gandalf broke his hold over Théoden, and he soon found himself exiled from Edoras. One of the oldest of the Ents, called Finglas in Elvish, whose name referred to his leafy 'hair'. According to Treebeard, Leaflock had become tired and tree-like, sometimes sleeping entire seasons through. Son of Thranduil, Lord of the Elves of Mirkwood. He set out from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring, and journeyed with Aragorn and Gimli through the southern lands of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring; he fought at the Battles of the Hornburg and the Pelennor Fields. The title of an important commander in the land of Mordor. Its associated details and duties are unknown, but at the time of the War of the Ring it was borne by the Man known as the Mouth of Sauron. From the highest tower of Barad-dûr, Sauron kept an unceasing watch on the lands and kingdoms of Middle-earth. The 'Lidless Eye' refers to this unsleeping vigilance. A term for the small race of people more commonly known as Hobbits, especially used by the taller Men (who were in turn referred to as the Big Folk). A common family name among the Bree-hobbits. The lord of the flowered vales of the White Mountains that lay to the south and west of Minas Tirith. Almost nothing is known of the history and descent of this title, except the name of its holder during the War of the Ring. That was Forlong the Fat, who rode to Minas Tirith with two hundred men from his homeland, and fell in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Whether Forlong left an heir to inherit his lordship is unknown. "The Lord of the Ring is not Frodo, but the master of the Dark Tower of Mordor, whose power is again stretching out over the world!" - Words of Gandalf from The Fellowship of the Ring II 1 Many Meetings
A rare title for Sauron, the master of the One Ring. In fact, it occurs only once in The Lord of the Rings: in Rivendell, Pippin wrongly granted the title to Frodo, but was quickly corrected by Gandalf with the words shown above. A title for the King of the Mark, carried through at least nineteen generations of the House of Eorl from Eorl himself to Elfwine the son of Éomer. A common alternative title for the King of Rohan, probably the favoured style of address among the Rohirrim themselves. The only daughter of King Thingol of Doriath and Melian the Maia, and said to be the fairest Elf to have ever lived. She was discovered by Beren as he wandered the woods of her father's kingdom, and they grew to love one another. When Lúthien took Beren before her father, he was apalled that his royal daughter should wish to wed a mortal, and so set Beren what he thought was an unachievable task, to recover a Silmaril from the Iron Crown of Morgoth himself. So Beren left Doriath in pursuit of his hopeless quest.
Landroval - The brother of Gwaihir
Láthspell - Gríma’s insulting name for Gandalf
Leaflock - An ancient Ent of Fangorn Forest
Legolas Greenleaf - A prince of the Silvan Elves, Greenleaf
Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr - The rank of the Mouth of Sauron
Lidless Eye - The Eye of Sauron
Little Folk - A name among Men for the Hobbits
Longholes Family - A family of the Bree-hobbits
Lord of Lossarnach - Ruler of the vales south of Minas Tirith
Lord of the Ring - The Dark Lord Sauron
Lord of Rohan - A title of the Kings of the Mark
Lord of the Mark - A title of the King of Rohan
Lúthien Tinúviel - The Nightingale of Doriath
Lake Evendim - The lake on which Annúminas stood
A lake in the north of Middle-earth, called by the Elves Nenuial. Annúminas, the ancient royal city of Arnor, was built on its southern shores. A region of Gondor on the southern slopes of the White Mountains. The River Ciril ran through it to meet the Ringló, and Calembel was its chief town. A name for the land more commonly known as Lórien, the Golden Wood of Celeborn and Galadriel. It was an older name of that land, but not entirely forgotten; both Treebeard and Faramir still used the old name freely. A fief of south-eastern Gondor, lying between the Rivers Gilrain in the west and Anduin in the east A tributary of the River Anduin that flowed eastward from Fangorn Forest to meet the Great River at the Field of Celebrant. It formed part of the northern boundary of Rohan. A town in southern Gondor at the fords of the River Gilrain, near to the Mouths of Anduin. The site of a lesser battle in the War of the Ring The ashen plain that lay beneath Mordor's northern mountain-wall, the Ered Lithui. It lay in the east of that land, beyond Gorgoroth and the Barad-dûr. When the Shire was taken over by Sharkey's Men during the War of the Ring, the storage tunnels of Michel Delving were converted into the so-called Lockholes. These were prison cells for those who rebelled against the new regime, among whose inhabitants were Mayor Will Whitfoot, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and Fredegar Bolger The mountain that stood alone in the east of Middle-earth where the Dwarves founded the kingdom of Erebor, which was destroyed by the dragon Smaug, and refounded by Thorin II Oakenshield. A village or town in the Southfarthing of the Shire. Its name means 'long valley', and we know that the village and its surroundings were sheltered from the elements, probably by the valley's sides. The lake that lay to the south of Erebor and Dale, the site of Lake-town, home of the trading people of the Lake-men. A woodland kingdom of the Silvan Elves on the western banks of the River Anduin; Galadriel and Celeborn came there in the Third Age, and ruled it after the loss of its ancient lord, Amroth. A flowery vale of the southern White Mountains, near Minas Tirith, and an ancient fiefdom of the kingdom of Gondor. 'Lórien of the Blossom', a name for the land to the east of the Misty Mountains more usually called simply Lórien. The Mannish name for the river the Elves called Bruinen, that rose in the western Misty Mountains and flowed southwestwards past Rivendell. A name of the Dark Tower of Barad-dûr. This was its name in the Black Speech, and so was the form actually used by the servants of Sauron, and presumably by Sauron himself. The name given by Men and Hobbits to the river the Elves called the Lhûn, in imitation of that name. If flowed from the eastern Ered Luin to meet the sea in the great Gulf of Lhûn, and the Grey Havens stood at its mouth. Also called the Lune, a river in the far northwest of Middle-earth. It rose in the eastern Blue Mountains, and flowed southward to meet the Great Sea in the wide Gulf of Lhûn.
Lamedon - A region of central Gondor
Laurelindórenan - ‘Land of the Valley of Singing Gold’
Lebennin - A region of southern Gondor
River Limlight - A river flowing out of northern Fangorn
Linhir - A township on the River Gilrain
Lithlad - Mordor’s northern plain of ash
Lockholes - The short-lived prison cells of Michel Delving
Lonely Mountain - The Dwarf-kingdom of Erebor
Longbottom - The birthplace of pipe-weed in the Shire
Long Lake - The lake on which Esgaroth stood
Lórien - Silvan land of Celeborn and Galadriel, Dwimordene, The Golden Wood, Laurelindórenan, Lindórinand, Lórinand, Lothlórien
Lossarnach - Gondor’s vale of flowers
Lothlórien - ‘Lórien of the Blossom’, Dwimordene, The Golden Wood, Laurelindórenan, Lindórinand, Lórinand, Lórien
River Loudwater - The river the Elves called Bruinen
Lugbúrz - Sauron’s Dark Tower
River Lune - The Hobbits’ name for the Lhûn
River Lhûn - The river that flowed into the Gulf of Lhûn
Last Alliance of Elves and Men - The mighty alliance between Gil-galad and Elendil
The alliance of Gil-galad of the Elves and Elendil the Exile of Númenor at the end of the Second Age, whose forces marched on Mordor, besieged Barad-dûr, and defeated Sauron. A tree that grew in Gondor; little is known of it, except that it was fair, and beloved by the woodworkers of that land. The staves given by Faramir to Frodo and Sam were made of lebethron wood, as was the casket in which he brought the Crown of Gondor to the coronation of Aragorn. The waybread of the Elves. The secret of its making was originally held by Melian of Doriath, but this secret was passed on to Galadriel and possibly others. Two feast days of the Shire Calendar that lay either side of Midyear's Day (and, in a leap year, the special feast-day of the Overlithe). 1 Lithe fell on modern 21 June, while 2 Lithe usually fell on modern 23 June, but on 24 June in a leap year One of the three varieties of pipe-weed recorded as being the most sought-after, the other two being Old Toby and Southern Star. Longbottom in the Southfarthing was the first place in the Shire where pipe-weed was grown, and so Longbottom Leaf must have been one of the oldest and most established types (if not the original variety). The first Leaf-grower was Tobold Hornblower, and his family continued the tradition. When Merry and Pippin found barrels of Longbottom Leaf in the ruins of Isengard, they bore the brand-marks of the Hornblower family.
Lebethron - A favoured wood of Gondor’s craftsmen
Lembas - The waybread of the Elves
Lithe - The days around midsummer
Longbottom Leaf - One of the finest varieties of pipe-weed
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