Captains of the West - Leaders of the final hopeless march to Mordor
Gandalf, Aragorn, Éomer, Imrahil and the other lords of the allied force that rode against the gates of Mordor in the last stages of the War of the Ring. An Elf of Doriath, who met with Galadriel daughter of Finarfin after the Return of the Noldor to Middle-earth, and wedded her. They became Lord and Lady of Lórien during the Third Age. The son of Curufin and grandson of Fëanor, who led the Elves of Eregion during the Second Age and played a great part in the making of the Rings of Power. A family of Shire-hobbits, of whom several were present at Bilbo Baggin's Birthday Party. Their main connection with the Baggins family was through Bilbo's grandfather, the Old Took, whose wife Adamanta Chubb was mother to no fewer than twelve children, including Bilbo's mother Belladonna. The nine companions who set out from Rivendell on the Quest of Mount Doom. They were:
Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf, Gimli Elf-friend, Legolas Greenleaf, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, Samwise Gamgee The people of Umbar during the later Third Age, largely descended from Castamir the Usurper and his followers, who, though they were Gondorian in origin, continued a long enmity against the land of their ancestors. Large black birds of crow-kind, native to the lands that bordered the southern Misty Mountains, Dunland to the west and Fangorn to the east. They seemed to possess at least some level of intelligence, and were apparently used as spies by Saruman during the War of the Black carrion birds associated in Tolkien's work with the forces of darkness. The most feared variety in the Westlands of Middle-earth was the large type known as crebain.
Celeborn - The Lord of Lórien
Celebrimbor - Leader of the People of the Jewel-smiths
Chubb Family - An important hobbit-family of the Shire
Company of the Ring - The Nine Walkers, The Fellowship of the Ring
Corsairs of Umbar - Pirates from the lands south of Gondor
Council - See White Council
Crebain - Black crows out of the southern Misty Mountains
Calembel - The township on the River Ciril
A town in the Gondorian region of Lamedon. It stood above the fords of the River Ciril, where the road from Erech crossed that river and passed on eastward. It was here that Aragorn and the host of the Dead camped during their journey to Pelargir during the War of the Ring. The tree-city of the Galadhrim; the seat of Celeborn and Galadriel in the realm of Lórien. Peak in the far north of the Misty Mountains, the site of the ancient capital of the Witch-king of Angmar. Called the Silvertine, one of the three peaks in the Misty Mountains (with Caradhras and Fanuidhol) that lay above the ancient dwarf-city of Khazad-dûm. The river also known as the Silverlode, that flowed southeastwards out of the valley of Nanduhirion, passing through the land of Lórien to meet the Great River, Anduin. The old Chamber of Records of Khazad-dûm. It was used as a base by Balin when he attempted his ill-fated attempt at recolonisation: the Company of the Ring found his tomb there as they passed through Moria. The broad woodland that lay to the north and east of the Bree-hill. The village of Archet was built among the trees near its edge. A short tributary to the River Ringló. The Ciril rose in the White Mountains of western Lamedon, about twenty miles east of Tarlang's Neck. It flowed directly southwards, through its fords at Calembel, to meet the Ringló. Called the Haunted Pass, the point were the mountain ranges of the Ered Lithui and the Ephel Dúath met, to the northwest of Mordor. It was sealed by the Black Gate of the Morannon, and guarded by the Towers of the Teeth. A term sometimes used loosely of Minas Tirith in Gondor, but in fact strictly referring to the fortified seventh and highest circle of that city. Fen Hollen, the door in the sixth circle of Minas Tirith that led to the Silent Street and the tombs of the Kings of Gondor. One of the three Mountains of Moria, named Fanuidhol by the Elves and Bundushathûr (or just Shathûr) by the Dwarves, many of whom had lived beneath it in the city of Khazad-dûm. A tree-lined field in North Ithilien, on the banks of the Anduin near to Cair Andros. It was here that Frodo and Sam were received after they achieved the Quest of Mount Doom, and praised with great praise. The Sammath Naur; the forge and workshop of Sauron tunnelled deep into Orodruin and open to its central fire. A village in the northern parts of Buckland; it was here that Frodo Baggins claimed to be his destination when he left Hobbiton. The point in the land of Ithilien were the road running northward from the Harad was crossed by the east-west road from Osgiliath to Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul). Although originally built and maintained by the Men of Gondor, the Cross-roads had effectively fallen under the control of Sauron at the time of the War of the Ring.
Caras Galadhon - The tree-city of the Galadhrim
Carn Dûm - Mountain Fortress of Angmar
Celebdil - The mountain known as the Silvertine
River Celebrant - The Elves’ name for the River Silverlode
Chamber of Mazarbul - The Chamber of Records in old Khazad-dûm
Chambers of Fire - See Sammath Naur
Chetwood - The wood of the Bree-land, Midgewater Marshes
River Ciril - A minor river of western Lamedon
Cirith Gorgor - The Haunted Pass
Citadel of Gondor - The seventh circle of Minas Tirith
Citadel of the Stars - See Osgiliath
City of Trees - See Caras Galadhor
Closed Door - The door that led to the Silent Street
Cloudyhead - The mountain named Fanuidhol
Field of Cormallen - A garth of Ithilien
Cracks of Doom - The heart of Orodruin
Crickhollow - A village of northern Buckland
Cross-roads - The road-meeting in central Ithilien